如果微笑2(如果微笑讲的什么) -尊龙凯时人生就得博

mark wiens







今天我要来给大家讲解的便是其中一道被学生认为奇葩的话题—《微笑的场合》describe an occasion when many people were smilingyou should say:• when it happened

• who you were with• what happened• and explain why most people were smiling说实话,这道题乍一看还真的会让人慌了神如果真的是在考场的环境里,我觉得很多同学都会出现语无伦次的情况。


1. 明确“smile”和“laugh”的两者差异性“smile”定义为:when you smile, the corners of your mouth curve up and you sometimes show your teeth. people smile when they are pleased or amused, or when they are being friendly.

“laugh”定义为:to make the sounds and movements of your face that show you are happy or think sth is funny.


2. 明确“occasion”的探讨方向通过解答第一个小问题,我们可以确定大致的思考方向,接着我们就需要具体来看到底可以讲什么在很久以前,我就说过事件类话题主要分成两部分:方向明确型事件类话题 & 方向不明确型事件类话题



匹配上“心情愉悦”这个点以及这四个主要方向,人们大致会微笑的场合可以有:• 从“people”出发在机场见到大牌明星;在某场合见到一些商业大佬等;• 从“object”出发某商品发售;向学校捐赠物资;给

孩子发放儿童节礼物等;• 从“place”出发去游乐园玩;去公园闲逛等;• 从“activity”出发参加音乐节;参加美食节;参加名人大佬的讲座等;

明确了以上两点,我们便可安排每个小问的答题方向01when it happened作为事件类话题必备的“when”类型问题,我在之前的推送里也已经在反复强调当我们需要给出一个具体时间点时,我们可以从“year-month-date-hour




example one:well, it took place about two months ago. i clearly remember it was a sunny sunday afternoon. after having woken up from a 

power nap 小憩, i decided to read a book while enjoying the sunshine beating down 照射 on the window. then my friend called me and asked me to go to a music festival with her.  actually, i had heard about the festival before. however, as the tickets were a bit expensive, i didn’t give it a second thought, but my friend told me that she had a couple of free tickets. i was over the moon and set off immediately. 

example two:well, it took place about a year ago. it was on the first day of the national holiday. that day, i 

got up at the crack of dawn 早起 and went to another city to attend my friend’s wedding. it was a really good day, blue skies and big, fluffy clouds, so everything went smoothly. and i arrived at the destination on time without getting stuck in any traffic on the way. 

02who you were with除了人物类话题,【who with】类型问题会出现在各类主题里,包括地点类/物品类/事件类等遇到此类小问题,我们要先分清它是属于“一次性”还是“反复性”的情况如果该小问问的是“

你经常跟谁一起去”,它对应的即为“反复性”的情况,我们需要按“主次”或“时间线”来回答大多数时候跟谁一起去 为什么,偶尔跟谁一起去 为什么;或者以前跟谁一起去 为什么,后来跟谁一起去 为什么如果该小问问的是“。

你上次跟谁一起去”,它对应的即为“一次性”的情况,我们则可以按“ /-”运算进行拓展在《微笑的场合》这道题里,我们面对的即为一次性的情况那么“ /-”运算该怎么来说呢?(案例中的数字可按实际情况进行调整)。

• 3=2 1这个公式可理解为,我是跟三个人一起去的,但这三个人跟我有两种关系其中两个是我高中同学,还有一个是我邻居在此情况下,这两批人不认识,他们可能会为此成为朋友;也有可能会出现比较尴尬的场景example :

actually i went there with my friend and also her cousin. even though we didn’t know each other before, we 

hit it off 一拍即合 straight away and soon we became good friends. we talked a lot during the festival and realized that we had a lot in common. 

• 2 1=3这个公式可理解为,我原本只是跟两个人去的,但后来加入了一个人这个人可以是路上偶遇的,也可以是其中一个人带来的,也可以是你后来增加的example :at first, it was just my friend and i but then we bumped into another two classmates on the way. as they were also going to the music festival, they joined us and we went there together.。

• 3-1=2 这个公式可理解为,我原本邀请了三个人,但有一个人不去了。这个人可能是放你鸽子了,也有可能他有另外的安排所以不能去了。

example :my friend told me that she had also invited two other friends but unfortunately they dropped out

 退出 at the last minute so it was just my friend and i in the end.

03what happened这道题的描述可根据你选择的方向来定如果你是从人着手来设定微笑的场合,比如在机场偶遇明星,你对该问题的细节阐述可以围绕明星而展开,包括他的穿着、他的行为举止等;example :。

after waiting in the airport for an hour, he finally came out wearing a very fashionable outfit and a black baseball cap. he was really gentle and friendly and had the biggest smile.  when his fans

 flocked to 涌向 him, he used his deep voice to warn them to be careful. after just 5 mins, he got in the car and left. the crowd of people just stood there and watched him leave. 

如果你是从地点着手,比如去游乐园,你便可就游乐园展开描述,包括它的设施、它的服务、它的环境等;example one:when we arrived at disneyland, it seemed like we had entered a wonderland which was full of romance and beauty. there were various kinds of 

rides 游乐设施 for people to go on. all the staff were warm and welcoming and even though it is packed out 

挤满了人 all of the time, they keep it pristine 保持原始的. 

如果你是从活动着手,比如参加音乐节,你可就音乐节里包含的活动进行描述,包括它邀请的音乐人以及它有的一些特色活动等example one:when we arrived, the music festival had already started. even though there were lots of people, we could still find a place to enjoy the music. that day, many musicians were invited. there was a mixture of well-known and 。

up and coming 有前途的 artists.  all of the songs were upbeat 欢快的 and lively and made you feel good. most people were dancing and having a great time. there was also other stuff at the festival such as a food market, a game zone, and a massage room so when people felt tired, they could take a break and relax. 

04why most people were smiling至于人们笑的原因,我觉得已经不难思考了如果你讲的是一个见名人的故事,人们笑的原因肯定就是跟名人有关,为此我们要说明人们会喜欢这个人的原因是什么。


那音乐节来举例,人们会笑的原因一是因为音乐本身就可以让人放松心情,所以人们会笑;二是因为音乐节就是一个让人从快节奏的生活里脱离出来的活动,所以参与音乐节可以让人忘记烦恼,从而人们会浮现笑容在脸上example :

for the whole music festival, everyone had a big smile on their face and the reason was quite understandable. firstly, listening and dancing to music, always makes people feel good.  i also think being away from the stresses of the city helps people slow down and appreciate their surroundings.  it is an opportunity to switch off,  relax and 

unwind 放松.

看完四小问的拆分,你有想好自己要说啥了不?参考答案:【微笑的场合】• when it happenedwell, it took place about two months ago. i clearly remember it was a sunny sunday afternoon. after having woken up from a power nap, i decided to read a book while enjoying the sunshine beating down on the window. then my friend called me and asked me to go to a music festival with her.  actually, i had heard about the festival before. however, as the tickets were a bit expensive, i didn’t give it a second thought, but my friend told me that she had a couple of free tickets. i was over the moon and set off immediately. 

• who you were withactually i went there with my friend and also her cousin. even though we didn’t know each other before, we hit it off straight away and soon we became good friends. we talked a lot during the festival and realized that we had a lot in common.

• what happenedwhen we arrived, the music festival had already started. even though there were lots of people, we could still find a place to enjoy the music. that day, many musicians were invited. there was a mixture of well-known and up and coming artists.  all of the songs were upbeat and lively and made you feel good. most people were dancing and having a great time. there was also other stuff at the festival such as a food market, a game zone, and a massage room so when people felt tired, they could take a break and relax. 

• and explain why most people were smilingfor the whole music festival, everyone had a big smile on their face and the reason was quite understandable. firstly, listening and dancing to music, always makes people feel good.  i also think being away from the stresses of the city helps people slow down and appreciate their surroundings.  it is an opportunity to switch off,  relax and unwind.

