情人节的英语(情人节的英语怎么读) -尊龙凯时人生就得博

mark wiens





随着2月14日的临近一年一度的情人节就要来啦在这个浪漫的日子里你该怎样用英语跟你的爱人表白呢下面一起来学习一下情人节valentines dayvalentine /væləntaɪn/圣瓦伦廷/情人/情人礼物


1.i have seen angels in the sky, i have seen snowfall in july. i have seen stars falling apart, but ive never seen anyone like you in my life. 

我见过空中天使、七月飞雪、星辰坠落,但却不曾在生活中遇见过如你一般的人2. i am lucky to have a girlfriend like you, who is beautiful, fun, smart, and crazy enough to go out with me.。

我为有你这样的女友感到幸运,你漂亮、有趣、聪明,并且愿和我牵手一起疯3. i consider myself to be the luckiest woman on earth and it’s only because i have found the most precious jewel of this world. it’s you, my love. happy valentines day!。


4. i do not think often, i do not think much, but when i do, i think of you only. happy valentines day. 

我不常思考,思考得也不多,但当我开动脑筋,那满脑子就都会是你情人节快乐!5. loving you is like breathing, so essential and important to remain alive.。


1. this card is to let you know that i still love you after all of these years. 这张卡片是为了让你知道,历经岁月,我爱你如初。

2. you were my high school sweetheart, and still are. 你是我学时的“甜心”,现在也仍是3. i fell in love with you when i first saw you, and i still am after 20 years. 。


4. to the girl of my dreams and the mother of our child: you are the only valentine for me. 我的梦中女郎、孩子母亲:你是我永生不二的人选。

5. i knew that there would be ups and downs when i married you. but through it all you have always been my valentine. 

从一开始我就知道,我们将会经历人生的跌宕起伏但是,有你,我们挺过了一切6. loving you is the best thing that has ever happened to me.爱上你是我一生中最美的邂逅。

happy valentines day! 这个情人节怎么过?

每月读一本英文书2017年2月一起读英书trump: think like a billionaire《特朗普:如何像亿万富翁一样思考》认识美国新任总统必读的1本英文书


