这都可以?面试口语(面试口语表达) -尊龙凯时人生就得博

mark wiens




​最潮的英语学习方法,超实用的英语干货资料,请关注必克英语!必克英语!必克英语!请做自我介绍 tell me about yourselfi currently work as a secretary to the general manager in the sales office of a japanesetelecommunications company.

目前我在一家日本电信公司的营业厅担任总经理秘书一职since he doesnt speak japanese, my main function is to act as liaison between him and eightjapanese staff members.。

因为总经理不会说日语, 所以我 的主要任务就是协助总经理与八位日本同事进行沟通in addition to general office duties, i also perform accounting, including payrolls.。

除了办公室的日常事务之外, 我也做 一些与会计相关的业务,包括做工资表my boss frequently travels and i effectively manage the office during his absence.。

我的上司经常出差,在他出差期间,我就负责打理 办公室的事物im a self-starter and he fully trusts my ability to work without his supervision and he valuesmy judgment in a variety of contexts.。


2、你认为自己有哪些优点? what are some of your strengths?my biggest strength is tenacity.我最大的优点是坚韧all my past employers and business associates have said i an tenacious.。

我之前的雇主和同事都说我具有不屈不饶的精神i have to see a project through to the finish no matter what challenges i encounter。

along theway.在计划执行过程中 不论遇到什么问题,我都会想办法克服i always give whatever it takes to complete to job.为了完成工作,我总是全力以赴。

3、你认为自己有哪些缺点? what are some of your weaknesses?i tend to be a perfectionist.我的缺点是过于追求完美while doing the marketing research i just mentioned,。

例如刚刚跟您提到的那门课,i went a bit overboard. i researched over 200 articles and my report was over 100 pages.

我在进行市场调查时,因为太投入 了,竟然查了 200 多篇文章,报告的长度也足足有 100 多页,it was beyond the scope of a four-unit class!已经超出了这门 4 学分的课程所要求的范围了!


