情人节用英语怎么说(情人节用英语怎么说音标) -尊龙凯时人生就得博

mark wiens






奇速英语每日一句 致所有人some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to. 





the solar calendar.另外,我们中国还用农历或阴历或月历,用英文说是the lunar calendar.显然我们上面说的这些月份的英语都是指的是阳历因此如果说到我们汉语中的阴历几月就不能用上面的月份名称了,而是要用序数词表达。

比如:阴历二月,就不能说february,而是the second month on the lunar calendar或者简单的说成the second lunar month.比如中国的七夕情人节就是在农历七月初七。

如果要告诉外国朋友,就不能说the seventh of july,而要说成the seventh of the seventh lunar month.我们中国的中秋节是在农历八月十五,用英文表达应该是the fifteenth of the eighth lunar month.同样,中国的春节是农历一月初一,正确表达应该是the first of the first lunar month.因此,谈到中国的农历传统节日,我们都要采用类似的表达,而不能用专有月份名称。


but qixi wasn’t a festival for lovers until recently. it was initially a time for unwed women to beg the weaving goddess for domestic skills. they’d also pray for a good husband. 


falling on the seventh day of seventh lunar month, the double seventh festival in china, also known as qixi festival, is what valentine’s day to the western countries. as it is a day of great importance to girls, the event is also called young girls’ festival. because of the beautiful legend about niu lang and zhi nv, the festival has been endowed with the meaning of great romance.

中国农历的“双七”,即农历七月初七就是七夕节,相当于西方国家的情人节由于这一天对女孩来说很重要,所以这个活动也被称为少女节因为关于牛郎和织女的美丽传说,这个节日被赋予了伟大的浪漫意义legend of niu lang and zhi nu。

牛郎和织女的传说as one of the chinese four folk legends concerning love, the legend of niu lang and zhi nv features the double seventh festival.

作为中国四大民间传说之一,牛郎和织女的传说是七夕节的特色it is said that niu lang was a cowboy who had a kind heart even though he was without living parents. living with his brother and brother-in-law, he was maltreated. one day, after having been driven out of his home, an old man (in fact a supernatural being), guided him to the sick cattle from heaven. with great care from niu lang, the cattle recovered. in order to show gratitude to niu lang, the cow helped him get acquainted with zhi nu - a fairy from the heaven. they fell in love with each other and married to live a happy life with niu lang planting in the field while zhi nv did weaving at home. they were also magically given a boy and a girl. however, good times didn’t last long because zhi nv’s deeds were known by the king of the heaven who took her back to heaven. with the cow’s help, niu lang flew to heaven along with his two children as they chased their wife and mother. it was just at that moment before he could reach zhi nv that the queen of the heaven created a huge river between them. tears from the two flowed continuously so that even the queen was moved. as a result, she allowed them to meet only on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month every year.。



就在他要追上织女的那一刻,王母在他们之间画出一条大河使他们无法相见两个人隔河相望彼此痛哭流涕,最后甚至王母也被感动了因此,她允许他们每年在农历七月初七见面therefore, the day when niu lang and zhi nv meet is the present double seventh festival.

因此,牛郎和织女见面的日子就是现在的七夕节customs习俗while the customs of this festival varies according to the different regions, the same hope is cherished by all.。

虽然这个节日的习俗因不同的地区而不同,但人们都抱有同样的期望the most prevalent custom is that of girls praying to zhi nv for skillful hands for sewing. because zhi nu is regarded as a beautiful woman deft at weaving, in the evening of the festival, girls sew some articles to compete with each other and prepare some delicious fruits to worship zhi nu in order to be endowed with the masterly sewing skill. not only hoping for this skill, they also pray to have a sweet love.。


in the rural regions, people usually see the meeting of niu lang and zhi nv as two stars in the sky. at the same time, the old people tell the young about this old love legend. unfortunately, this is not popular in cities nowadays.

在农村地区,人们通常把牛郎和织女的会面看成是天上的两颗星星与此同时,老人告诉年轻人这个古老的爱情传说不幸的是,这在现代城市已经不太流行了today’s double seventh festival现在的七夕

in the chinese cities, the western valentine’s day is more favored than the double seventh festival by young people. they spend the latter as the valentine’s day. although some traditional customs have been changed or been lost, the legend of niu lang and zhi nv is still passed down from generation to generation. like the presents of valentine’s day, flowers and chocolates are also the popular ones.

在中国城市里,西方的情人节在年轻人眼中比七夕节更受欢迎他们把七夕作为情人节虽然一些传统习俗已经被改变或消失了,但牛郎和芝女的传说仍然代代相传就像情人节的礼物一样,鲜花和巧克力在七夕也是最受欢迎的whatever way the festival is spent, great love is expressed between the young.


英文来源:travelchinaguide  中文翻译:爱语吧英语头条“两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮”,“盈盈一水间,脉脉不得语”…… 这些绝美的七夕诗句?英文版本也一样美哦~正好今天七夕节我们一起欣赏一下。


银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤天阶夜色凉如水,坐看牵牛织女星autumn has chilledthe painted screen in candlelight;a palace maid usesa fan to catch fireflies.

the steps seem steeped in waterwhen cold grows the night;she sits to watch two starsin love meet in the skies.


纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗度金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数柔情似水,佳期如梦,忍顾鹊桥归路!两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮!clouds float like works of art;stars shoot with grief at heart.。

across the milky waythe cowherd meets the maidwhen autumn’s golden windembraces dew of jades,all the love scenes on earth,

however many, fadetheir tender love flowslike a stream;this happy date seemsbut a dream.can they bear

a separate homeward way?if love between both sidescan last for aye,why need theystay together night and day?


迢迢牵牛星,皎皎河汉女纤纤擢素手,札札弄机杼终日不成章,泣涕零如雨河汉清且浅,相去复几许?盈盈一水间,脉脉不得语far, far away, the cowherd,fair, fair, the weaving maid;。

nimbly move her slender white fingers,click-clack goes her weaving-loom.all day she weaves,yet her web is still not done.

and her tears fall like rain.clear and shallow the milky way,they are not far apart!but the stream brims always between.

and, gazing at each other,they cannot speak.(译者:许渊冲)最后我们一起学习一下与七夕节有关的词汇: double seventh festival/chinese valentines day 七夕节

the begging festival 乞巧节the daughters festival 女儿节lunar month 农历月lunar calendar 阴历matchmaker temples 月老庙

a bridge of magpies 鹊桥the milky way 银河vega 织女星altair 牛郎星/牵牛constellation of aquila 天鹰座niu lang and zhi nu/cowherd and the weaver maid 牛郎和织女

the queen of heaven 王母娘娘the emperor of heaven 玉皇大帝chinese folktales 民间故事seven celestial princesses 七仙女

heavenly palace 天宫mundane life 凡间生活shoulder pole 扁担finger food 巧食square table 八仙桌needlework 刺绣/女红flower arranging 插花

flower arranging 插花fruit plate 果盘flower clogs 花木屐offering/sacrifice 供品festive lantern/a decorative lantern 花灯

palace lamp/light 宫灯candlestick/a candleholder 烛台incense burner 香炉cheongsam 旗袍❤奇速英语祝大家七夕节快乐,天下有情人终成眷属!





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