
mark wiens







1. a frenchman(一个法国人)a frenchman was once traveling in england .一个法国人曾经在英国旅行he could speak english quite well but not perfectly.。

他英语讲得相当好,但并不完美for one thing, his vocabulary was not large.首先,他的词汇量不大one day, he was having a meal in a small country hotel and wanted to order some eggs.。

一天,他在一家乡村小旅馆里吃饭,想吃点东西一些鸡蛋but he couldnt remember the word for eggs.但是他不记得鸡蛋这个词了suddenly, through the window, he saw a rooster walking in the yard.。

突然,透过窗户,他看到一只公鸡在院子里走着 he immediately asked the waiter what the bird was called in english.他马上问服务员这只鸟在英语里叫什么名字。

the waiter told him that it was called a rooster.服务员告诉他这只鸡叫公鸡the frenchman then asked what the roosters wife was called.。

法国人接着问公鸡的妻子叫什么the waiter told him that she was called a hen.服务员告诉他她叫母鸡 the frenchman then asked what the hens children were called.。

法国人接着问母鸡的孩子叫什么名字the waiter told him that they were chickens.服务员告诉他那是鸡the frenchman then asked what the chickens were called before they were born.。

法国人接着问这些鸡在出生前叫什么名字 the waiter told him they were called eggs.服务员告诉他他们叫鸡蛋"fine!" "said the frenchman. "two eggs and a cup of coffee, please.”。

“很好!”法国人说“请给我两个鸡蛋和一杯咖啡2. two dogs(两只狗)a man has two dogs: a hound and a housedog.有一个人养了两条狗:一条是猎犬,一条是看家狗。

he trains the hound to help him hurt and teaches the housedog to watch the house.他训练猎狗帮他打猎,教看家狗守家when he returns home after a day’s hunt, he always gives the house-dog some meat. the hound feels very angry.。

当猎人打了一天猎回家后,总要分给看家狗一些肉,猎狗对此很生气he says unhappily to the housedog, “where i work very hard outside, you share my food.”。

它不高兴地对看家狗说道:“我在外边追捕猎物十分辛苦,而你在家什么都不做,但你却分享我的食物“don’t blame me, my friend. you should blame the master. he doesn’t teach me to hurt, but to share other’s food,” the housedog answers.。

”看家狗回答道:“不要责怪我,我的朋友你应该去责备主人他不教我打猎,却只教我分享别人的食物”3. the lion and the mouse (狮子与报恩的老鼠)a lion was awakened from sleep by a mouse running over his face.。

狮子睡着了,有只老鼠跳到了他身上rising up angrily, he caught him and was about to kill him,狮子生气地跳起来,捉住老鼠,要弄死它when the mouse piteously entreated, saying: "if you would only spare my life, i would be sure to repay your kindness."。

老鼠哀求说:“只要你肯饶恕我这条小生命,我将来一定会报答你的大恩”the lion laughed and let him go.狮子轻蔑地笑了笑,便把他放走了 it happened shortly after this that the lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground.。

事情发生后不久,狮子被一些猎人抓住了,他们用结实的绳子把狮子绑在地上the mouse, recognizing his roar, came and gnawed the rope with his teeth and set him free, exclaiming:。

老鼠听到了他的哀嚎,走过去咬断绳索,放走了狮子,并说:"you ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favor; now you know that it is possible for even a mouse to con benefits on a lion."

“你当时嘲笑我,不相信能得到我的报答, 现在可清楚了,老鼠也能报恩”4. the bathing boy(洗澡的男孩)one day, tom is bathing in a river.有一天,汤姆在河里洗澡。

he doesn’t swim well and will be drown. he calls out loud for help.他不太会游泳,眼看就要被淹死,他大声呼喊救命a man is just passing by. he doesn’t help the boy, but stands by and says to him.。

有个人正好从旁边经过,他没有帮助小男孩,却是站在旁边对小孩子说“how imprudent you are! it is dangerous to bath in the river.”“ 你怎么这么草率!在河里洗澡很危险。

”“oh, yes sir,” cries the boy, “ please help me out and scold me afterward.”“哦,先生,”小男孩喊叫:“ 请你还是先把我救起来后再责备我吧。

”5. the ass and the grasshopper(驴子与蚱蜢)an ass having heard some grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted;

一只驴子听到蚱蜢在叫,非常着迷;to possess the same melody, he asked what sort of food grasshoppers ate to make such beautiful noises.

为了拥有同样美妙的旋律,就问蚱蜢是吃什么食物才能发出如此美妙的声音they replied, "the dew."他们回答说:“露水”the ass resolved that he would live only upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger.。

驴子决定只吃露水,不久就饿死了6. the fox and crow(狐狸和乌鸦)one day a crow stood on a branch near his nest and felt very happy with the meat in his mouth.。

有一天,一只乌鸦嘴里叼着一片肉,非常高兴的站在树枝上自己的窝旁at that time, a fox saw the crow with the meat, so he swallowed and eagerly thought of a plan to get the meat.。

这时候,一只狐狸看见了,馋得直流口水,非常想得到那片肉however, whatever the fox said to the crow, the crow just kept silent.但是,无论狐狸说什么,乌鸦就是不理睬狐狸。

until the fox thought highly of the crow’s beautiful voice, the crow felt flattered and opened his mouth to sing.

最后,狐狸便赞美乌鸦的嗓音最优美,并请求乌鸦唱几句让他欣赏乌鸦听了狐狸的奉承话得意极了,就真的唱起歌来as soon as the meat fell down to the ground, the fox took the meat and went into his hole.。

没想到,它一开口肉就掉了下来,狐狸叼起肉钻回了自己的洞7. who pours ink on my chair?(谁把墨水倒在我椅子了?)donny is a seven year old boy. he goes to school every day.。

唐尼是一个七岁的男孩他每天上学the school is near his home. so he goes there on foot and comes back home on time.学校在他家附近。

所以他步行去那里,并准时回家but today, he is late. his mother asks him, “why do you go to the headmaster’s office?”

但是今天,他迟到了他妈妈问他:“你为什么去校长办公室?”“because the teacher asks us a question in class and nobody can answer it, but i can.”。

“因为老师在课堂上问我们一个问题,没有人能回答,但是我能”“it’s good to answer the teacher’s question.”“回答老师的问题很好”“but the question is ‘who pours ink on my chair?’”。

“但问题是‘谁把墨水倒在我的椅子上?”8. smart robot(聪明的机器人)look, this robot carries boxes to build blocks!看,这个机器人拿着盒子做积木!

the new smart robot, sorry, is 60 centimeters high.新的智能机器人,抱歉,是60厘米高it weighs 7.5 kilogram. it has a camera “eye” on its head.。

它重7.5公斤它的头上有一个摄像头“眼睛”it can recognize colors and human faces.它能识别颜色和人脸9. i will not take a bath(我不愿意洗澡)。

i will not take a bath, i won’t get in tub.我不愿意洗澡,我不愿意进到浴缸里i has bath last week. i don’t need another scrub.。

上个星期我洗澡了,我不需要再洗澡i would need my rubber ducky, a bucket and a boat, my toy whale, a submarine, a rubber ball.。

我想要我的橡皮鸭子,一个水桶和一只船,我的玩具鲸鱼,一艘潜水艇,一个橡皮球no, i can not take a bath.现在我不能洗澡了the tub is too small. it’s all filled up with toy. there’s no room for me.。

浴缸太小了,它被玩具塞满了,没有我的地方了10. two little monkeys(两只小猴子)the monkey mother has two little monkeys. she likes the younger, not the other.。

猴妈妈生了两个猴子她喜欢小猴子而不喜欢大的one day, they were playing in a forest when a wolf came running at them.一天,他们正在森林里玩的时候,一只狼来了并向他们扑去。

the monkey ran away with the younger monkey in a hurry and left the older alone.猴子匆忙带着小猴子跑了,单独留下大猴子she climbed up a tree and held the younger in her arms.

她跑着小猴子爬到树上after some time, the wolf went away slowly.过些时候,狼慢慢地离开了the monkey took the baby out of her arms. she was surprised to see that the baby had died, for the baby was held in arms too highly.。

母猴从他的怀里放下小猴子她吃惊的发现猴宝宝已经死了,因为小猴子在她的怀里被搂地太紧了very long time later, she remembered to look for the older baby. the older baby was hiding in a wood. so he saved himself.。

过了很长时间,她才想起去寻找那只大猴子大猴子藏在一个大洞里,他救了自己想提早让孩子学习英语的爸妈们可以先让孩子试试这个试听课【点击免费领取 https://www.nicekid.com/register。



